5 Conseils pour le printemps

5 Tips for Spring

Many of us are excited to see the winter months fade away to make way for the sun! While waiting for the weeks to pass before you can enjoy our beautiful outdoor spaces, here are 5 ways to prepare!

1) Prepare gardening tools: Examine your tools and clean them well. Be sure to use fresh fuel in your gas tools and charged batteries! For a complete checklist, click here .

2) Clean: During the fall and winter, your land is subject to various phenomena, storms and climatic systems. Clean up broken branches, leaves and debris that have accumulated on your yard and in your gardens. The sooner you do this, the less chance you have of damaging the bulbs as they try to push their way out of the ground. This is also a good time to prune broken or dead branches, and prune and sculpt your trees. Discover the range of battery-powered hedge trimmers from STIHL to help you!

3) Give some love to the earth: Plow the soil with a pitchfork and remove the bad ones that have grown. Then scatter fresh compost to add nutrients to your flowerbeds and garden a few weeks before you plant anything. This method allows the compost to mix well with the soil without damaging the roots of new plants.

4) Make a plan: Your garden center is the best place to find expert advice on the best flowers and vegetables for your location. Plan by colors and heights!

5) Maintenance! Maintenance! Maintenance! Once your annuals are in bloom, it's a good time to plant perennials to fill your flower beds. Late spring is also a good time to add mulch to protect your flower beds for the long hot summer ahead. And while you maintain your flower beds, don't forget to maintain your tools too! In this video, National Technical Manager, Chad Dubois, shows you how to properly maintain your gas trimmer .

Follow STIHL Canada on our social media to stay up-to-date with tips and advice on maintaining your yard and gardens all year round!