In spring and fall, when the leaves give us a hard time, your gutters can become a favorite shelter for unwanted visitors if they are not cleaned regularly. Accumulating debris (leaves, twigs, nuts, etc.) can block rainwater runoff and can damage roofs, foundations, and basements—just like piles of snow and ice in winter. To simplify the task and clean clogged gutters effectively, you need the right knowledge and tools. Use these handy tips and tricks in preparation for the semi-annual gutter cleaning festival and enjoy the change of seasons by spending less time in your gutters!

There are two schools of thought regarding gutter cleaning: the old fashioned way and the modern way facilitated by the use of technology. The old method, manual cleaning, requires a ladder, shovel or trowel, non-slip shoes, a debris bag and a garden hose. Working from a ladder is a simple solution, yet the risk of injury to you and the risk of breaking your gutters, if the ladder rests on it, are multiplied.


Why not completely eliminate the risks by simply staying on the ground? Work smarter with a host of accessories designed to convert your blowers and pressure washers STIHL in gutter cleaning tools. These attachments allow you to work from the ground. The Gutter Cleaning Kit for STIHL Blowers includes plastic tubes that extend over ten feet to reach the roof without a ladder. Above all, be sure to wear protective gear suitable as gloves, goggles and hearing protection. Wearing long sleeves is also recommended since the airflow from the blower can cause debris to fall. Simply attach the long tube of the gutter kit, which includes a 90° elbow, to be able to reach the gutters from the ground. The STIHL Gutter Cleaning Attachment for STIHL pressure washers also makes it easier to access gutters without using a cumbersome ladder. Be careful. These are powerful devices. Use caution when using a STIHL pressure washer as the high pressure can produce a powerful jet.


Cleaning gutter downspouts also requires some prowess – so-called essential prowess. Downspouts serve to direct water properly and when clogged, it affects flow and causes the problems mentioned above. If your downspouts go through the ground, you'll probably need to remove the bottom piece before you start cleaning. First, check your downspouts for clogs by pouring water from the top using a garden hose to see if the water is flowing out the outlet. If you only see a trickle of water, use a water cleaner to target and remove the debris or push it out with a pressure washer.

Yes, cleaning gutters can be time-consuming and laborious, but it can be made easier by removing the gutter attachment from your blower and simply blowing the debris away from the house. You can also take preventive measures such as installing gutter guards to reduce the frequency of cleaning. They will still need to be inspected in the spring and fall. Here's hoping the modern, technological school of thought for cleaning gutters saves you a lot of time and effort so you can focus on the more important things in life.